Huntington Beach Fire Dept. Award Ceremony
It was an absolute honor to be able to work with the HBFD and provide photography coverage for the annual awards ceremony last week. This year’s reception and ceremony was held at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach. Here’s some highlights. Enjoy.

Friends and family enjoyed a reception before the ceremony that was hosted by many food vendors including, Wahoo’s, Ruby’s and Farrell’s.

Battalion Chief Lopez was the MC for the evening.

Lopez and Fire Chief David Segura having a little fun with the podium.

Huntington Beach Mayor Erik Peterson with opening remarks

Bagpipes and drum brigade

HBFD color guard.

City council members and dignitaries joined the stage for the presentation of awards.

New badges were pinned on by significant others and family members.

This little guy got the honor of pinning the badge on his dad.

Several life saving awards were handed out including to this entire response team. The surviving victim is second from the right.